
14:00 - 16:00


14. jun 2023



Solidarity in Operation? Reaction of the European Union to Russian Invasion of Ukraine

Dansk Forening for Europaret inviterer til nyt medlemsmøde om “Solidarity in Operation? Reaction of the European Union to Russian Invasion of Ukraine” v/ Prof. dr. Adam Lazowski, Westminster Law School, University of Westminster. Oplægget foregår på engelsk.

Medlemsmødet afholdes onsdag den 14. juni 2023, kl. 14.00 – 16.00, hos Horten Advokatpartnerselskab, Philip Heymans Allé 7, 2900 Hellerup.

Kort om baggrunden for oplægget:

Russian invasion of Ukraine has shaken Europe. For Ukraine, one of the EU’s closest neighbours, it has been a tragedy of unimaginable proportions. For the European Union, it has immediately become a major challenge, another large-scale crisis challenging the unity, perhaps even the foundations of its existence. It has certainly challenged ‘solidarity’, which is at the heart of its DNA (or, at least, Article 2 TEU says so). 24 February 2022 triggered a chain of events which surprised many. In the wake of Russian invasion, it has become plainly visible that solidarity applies not only between the Member States but also the EU and its citizens have the capacity to employ unprecedented levels of solidarity vis-à-vis its close neighbour who is under a completely unprovoked full scale military attack. In this lecture, Prof. Lazowski will follow the steps of the famous Ukrainian writer Andrey Kurkov (‘Diary of Invasion’, Welbeck Publishing Group, 2022) who divides his life into two periods: before the war and during the war, with the hope that a period after the war will follow. Consequentially, the lecture looks at solidarity and its application to Ukraine before 24 February 2022 and then after the invasion has commenced. In the closing part of the lecture, Prof. Lazowski will take a closer look at the challenges to solidarity which may follow when the war is over.

Kort om Prof. dr. Adam Lazowski:

Prof. dr. Adam Lazowski is a Professor of EU law at the Westminster Law School, University of Westminster and visiting professor at the College of Europe (Natolin) and Ivan Franko National University of Lviv (Ukraine). His research focuses on EU pre-accession policy, EU External Relations, Internal Market, EU Criminal Law as well as withdrawal from the European Union. His recent and forthcoming publications include:

  • ‘Shaping EU Law the British Way: UK Advocates General at the Court of Justice of the European Union’  (co-edited with Prof. Graham Butler, Hart Publishing, 2022)
  • ‘Research Handbook on Legal Aspects of Brexit (co-edited with Prof. Adam Cygan, Edward Elgar Publishing, 2022)
  • ‘Coming of Age? European Arrest Warrant at Twenty’ (co-edited with Prof. Valsamis Mitsilegas, Hart Publishing, 2023)
  • ‘EU Regulations EU Regulations in Practice: Legislative and Judicial Approaches (co-edited with Prof. Alicja Sikora, Hart Publishing, 2024)

Adam serves in editorial boards of New Journal of European Criminal Law, an on-line journal European Papers and Croatian Yearbook of European Law and Policy. He regularly speaks at conferences around the World and delivers guest lectures. In November 2012, Prof. Lazowski provided oral and written evidence to the House of Lords EU Select Committee (enquiry into the EU Enlargements). In December 2015, he provided oral and written evidence to the Scottish Parliament (enquiry into withdrawal from the EU). Professor Łazowski divides his time between law and photography. In 2016, his album of black & white photos from Albania (“Albania through a lens”) was published by Dudaj Publishing and it coincided with an exhibition at Kalo Gallery in Tirana. This was followed by an on-line exhibition ‘Pursuit of Silence’ (https://artspaces.kunstmatrix.com/en/exhibition/4719650/pursuit-of-silence).
