
9:15 - 11:00


13. dec 2019

The Rule of Law – a view from the UK and the EU

Oplæg på engelsk v/generaladvokat Eleanor Sharpston.

The Rule of Law is one of the (almost invisible) foundations of a civilised society. But what, actually, do we mean by that phrase? What are its underpinnings, it preconditions, its parameters? 

The presentation will draw on recent case law of the CJEU and the UK Supreme Court to start to answer those questions.


  • Velkomst v/ Anne Mette Vestergaard, Chef for Europa-Parlamentet i Danmark
  • The Rule of Law – A view from the UK and the EU, v/ generaladvokat Eleanor Sharpston, EU-Domstolen, Luxemburg
  • Q&A – Ordstyrer: Ulla Neergaard, Professor i EU-ret ved Københavns Universitet og formand for Dansk Forening for Europaret.

Mødested: Europahuset, Gothersgade 115, 1123 København.

Mødet afholdes som et samarbejde mellem Europa-Parlamentet i Danmark og Dansk Forening for Europaret.